New things coming soon!
Hello! I have many works coming soon that haven’t been announced yet, so here is that announcement :3
The Chips Collection:
As many of you know, I participate in a music community called Chipscompo. They hold friendly music competition every month to help people improve on their music skills and grow connections. Some of you might even know their biggest event Audio Secret Santa. This community has allowed me to make a song every month. Sometime this year, I will be releasing an 11 song album of every song I made for chips in 2023. Hopefully, I will be releasing a smaller EP with bonus tracks that could not be included in the main album, but it may end up being a playlist on Newgrounds instead.
While working on music for Chips, I’ve been working on my first album. This has been a huge effort and I’ve been close to scrapping the entire thing multiple times. I’ve reached a point where I am satisfied with how it’s turning out and will be releasing it sometime this year. I still have to polish up a few early tracks but I’m nearly finished with this monster of a project.
Thank you to everyone who has supported me in 2023, I hope I can continue to provide you guys with the music you enjoy.
— Axo <3